
Job Info Variables

Job Infos have two main uses. First, they contain information on any job file that comes out of the initial input task or any secondary input tasks. The number of job infos as well as their definition can be seen in the Other tab of any input task. Secondly, they are transmitted, unless otherwise configured, directly to any PlanetPress Design document used within your process and can be directly accessed by that document, so they can be used to transfer complementary information to your document that is not contained within your data file.

You can also access global and local variables from your document using the ExpandString() function in the PlanetPress Talk language. For more information, please see the PlanetPress Design User Guide and the PlanetPress Talk Reference Guide.

There are only 9 Job Infos available numbered from 1 to 9. They can be accessed directly anywhere that accepts variable properties by using the number of the variable preceded by a percent sign (For example, %2 or %9).

You can set the value of a job info within your process in two ways:

Considerations on Job Infos: