
Create PDF

The Create PDF Action task allows users running either PlanetPress Office or PlanetPress Production to create native PDF outputs without an active PlanetPress Imaging license. It very similar to the Digital Action task (see Digital Action) but is more limited. It does not contain the advanced PDF options that are offered by the PlanetPress Imaging solution, but is useful for creating simple PDF files using the default quality.

This feature is part of the PDF Tools, which is only available in PlanetPress Office and PlanetPress Production. It is not available with a PlanetPress Watch license.

PDFs created with the new Create PDF Action task will effectively replace the current data file in any given process using such a task.


Any data file supported by PlanetPress Suite.


In the case of regular data files, these files will need to be merged with a PlanetPress Design document.

In the case of a PDF data file, two things can happen. The PDF can be used as a data file for a Design document, or it can be part of a straight PDF workflow. When this is the case, this task will rather apply the active metadata to the PDF data file (see PDF Workflow for more information on this).


The output of this task is always, exclusively, a PDF file, optionally optimized and optionally with fresh metadata.

General tab

On Error Tab

By default, any action task, branch, splitter or condition that generates an error will simply be ignored, and the task just under it (not within a branch) will be given control of the job file without any modification. Any initial input task that generates an error will stop the process from running as a whole, and output tasks will not generate output. The On Error tab can be used to overwrite the default behaviors.

If storing the message or ID, if they are store in a jobinfo they will be available in any error handling process where errors are being forwarded. In all cases, if your process continues after the error, the contents of the variables selected in this window will be available for the rest of your process, or whenever they are overwritten.

Common Errors

Though some error messages are specific to a task in particular, others may apply to any and all tasks because they are related more to the system than to PlanetPress itself. Some examples would be W3813, W3830, W3991, W4005. These correspond to issues such as not having any space to write files, permission errors on folders or files, etc.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab, added in PlanetPress Suite 7.5, is common to all tasks. It contains a single text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button, and are displayed in The Task Comments Pane.

Other Notes

Here's a list of the hard-coded PDF values for files generated with this new plugin. Basically, these settings correspond to Digital Action and PReS™ Image settings for Standard Quality: