
Rule Interface

The Rule Interface can be opened from the Condition column of the following tasks:

Conditions are expressed using the following syntax:


The <EXPRESSION 1> and <EXPRESSION 2> options represent the values for comparison. The interface displays clickable links as the following:

The left expression (<EXPRESSION 1>) can either be a custom list or a parsable edit field. The right expression (<EXPRESSION 2>) is always a parsable edit field.

The Operator options are listed below. To set them click Choose operator option.

Note that when "VALUE CHANGED" is selected in the condition, the second parsed field is not considered.

Adding Conditions and Sub Conditions

The Rule Interface is used to add/remove conditions or sub conditions. The available options are:



As an example, consider the following conditional expression, where A, B, C and D are conditions of the form <EXPRESSION 1><OPERATOR><EXPRESSION 2>:

A and (B or C) and D

Such a conditional expression can be expressed by means of sub conditions in the following way:

  1. Define condition A.
  2. Select condition A and choose Add Condition. Specify the logical operator AND.
  3. Define condition B.
  4. Select condition B and choose Add Sub Condition. This will indent condition B and allow to define the condition C. Specify the logical operator OR.
  5. Define condition C.
  6. Right click on the first AND operator (the one right after condition A) and choose Add Condition. Specify the logical operator AND. This will create a condition at the same level as A.
  7. Define condition D.

The resulting conditional expression will be indented like this: