
Capture Web Manager Workflow

This example is both a more involved workflow for Capture, and an interesting implementation of an HTTP Workflow. Before looking at this example, it would be best to become familiar with both PlanetPress Capture Workflow and HTTP Server Workflow.

The example is too complex to display as images in this guide, so it is rather available for download. It infers two different files: 

This example is compatible with PlanetPress Suite 7.4 and higher and will not work in older versions.


  1. Download both resource files
  2. Create a folder on your disk called c:\planetpress

  3. Open the invoice.pp7 document and send it towards your local PReS™ Workflow server (localhost or
  4. Open the configuration file CaptureExampleProcess.pw7

  5. Go in the PlanetPress Button ("file" menu) and go in Preferences.
  6. In the HTTP Server Input 2 section, check the Serve HTTP resources option, change the Resource action name box to static , and the Resource folder to c:\planetpress\http . Then, click OK.

  7. Send the configuration to your local PReS™ Workflow server.
  8. Start PReS™ Workflow services (see Start and Stop PReS™ Workflow Service).

  9. Open your browser and point it to , assuming you have not changed the default HTTP port in the HTTP Server Input 2 section.


You can follow along the process by looking at the comments available in each process of the workflow file. Each comment explains both what the following plugins do, but also how it integrates into the workflow in general and what to keep in mind when doing an actual implementation of such a process.
