PReS™ Workflow offer a constantly increasing number of plugins, while always allowing third party plug-ins to be installed and set up to be used by PReS™ Workflow. The PlanetPress Suite Plug-in Bar lists the available plugin in any of PReS™ Workflow, and is divided into categories, which users can customize at will.
A "Plug-In" is normally something that is added to a software and, while most of the PlanetPress Plug-ins are installed by default, some may be added so the term is correct. However, because the plug-ins are always expected to execute some sort of task, they are always referred to, in this documentation, as "tasks", except in the specific case of importing a new plug-in or customizing the Plug-in bar.
The default categories lists plug-ins according to what type of task each achieve. Therefore, when first starting your PReS™ Workflow Configuration program, the following categories are used:
Note that an Uncategorized category is dynamically created if your PReS™ Workflow finds any plug-in that would not be part of the existing Plug-in bar. User-defined plug-ins and third party application plug-ins falls into such a category.
Settings & Customization
The Plug-in bar can be customized according to your needs and the plug-ins you most frequently used.
You can use the horizontal dark blue bar separating the plug-in area and the list of categories to change how many plug-in categories are displayed as the full-width bar with the title, and how much are displayed as the icon only. Move the bar up to display more full-width categories, down to display them more as icons.
Furthermore, the Plug-in bar can be customized using the Popup indicator control (). Customizing the Plug-in bar is mostly for third party or legacy plug-ins.
Using the contextual menu displayed by the Popup indicator, you can:
To import a plugin: