
The Plug-in Bar

PReS™ Workflow offer a constantly increasing number of plugins, while always allowing third party plug-ins to be installed and set up to be used by PReS™ Workflow. The PlanetPress Suite Plug-in Bar lists the available plugin in any of PReS™ Workflow, and is divided into categories, which users can customize at will.

A "Plug-In" is normally something that is added to a software and, while most of the PlanetPress Plug-ins are installed by default, some may be added so the term is correct. However, because the plug-ins are always expected to execute some sort of task, they are always referred to, in this documentation, as "tasks", except in the specific case of importing a new plug-in or customizing the Plug-in bar.


The default categories lists plug-ins according to what type of task each achieve. Therefore, when first starting your PReS™ Workflow Configuration program, the following categories are used:

Note that an Uncategorized category is dynamically created if your PReS™ Workflow finds any plug-in that would not be part of the existing Plug-in bar. User-defined plug-ins and third party application plug-ins falls into such a category.

Settings & Customization

The Plug-in bar can be customized according to your needs and the plug-ins you most frequently used.

You can use the horizontal dark blue bar separating the plug-in area and the list of categories to change how many plug-in categories are displayed as the full-width bar with the title, and how much are displayed as the icon only. Move the bar up to display more full-width categories, down to display them more as icons.

Furthermore, the Plug-in bar can be customized using the Popup indicator control (). Customizing the Plug-in bar is mostly for third party or legacy plug-ins.

Using the contextual menu displayed by the Popup indicator, you can:

To import a plugin:

  1. Click on the Popup control ()
  2. Click on Import Plugin
  3. Browse to the location of the plugin DLL file
  4. Click on Open.
  5. New plugins appear in the Uncategorized category.