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The latest version of PrintShop Mail is currently 7.1. This documentation was updated on 2011-03-29 and covers the changes made in this version. If you are still using an older version of PrintShop Mail, you can access its documentation by using the Version: menu at the top-right corner of this screen.

If you wish to upgrade to PrintShop Mail7.1, you can do so via the Upgrade Request page. Note that in order to upgrade, you will need a valid OL Care contract as of 2010-09.


PPML/VDX is an abbreviation for Personalized Print Markup Language/Variable Data Exchange. The output consists of an optimized PDF in which reusable content elements occur only once. The PDF also contains a block of PPML data that describes the page layout.

Note: PPML/VDX 7 requires both Adobe Acrobat(r) and Distiller(r) to be installed on your system.

To help ensure correct output there are "PSMail joboptions" files for the Acrobat Distiller versions 5, 6, or 7 in the Printshop Mail installation folder.

These settings will tell Acrobat Distiller how to handle fonts, color, images, etc., when it creates the optimized PDF.

If so desired, you can change these output options for PPML and VDX by changing the Distiller joboptions. Double click on the "joboptions" file you want to modify, change and save it.

Note: PSMailx.joboptions files should be saved in the PrintShop Mail installation folder, next to the executable. The "x" specifies the Acrobat Distiller version that the file corresponds to.

More information about the Acrobat Distiller joboptions can be found in the online Help of the Acrobat Distiller.

Print Technology specific settings
  1. Environment: The path specified in the Environment setting will place the images with a "Global Scope" in the Environment. The Consumer (RIP) stores and/or caches the images for later use.

  2. Send

    2.1- Send "All Images": A PDF file will be created containing images that have a "Global Scope" or a "Local Scope". This option also creates a PPML job, using this PDF, with instructions to use the Local and the Global images. Images with a "Global Scope" are stored in the specified "Environment". After this job the "Global images" can be re-used for recurring print projects, for example with the option "Send Local Images".

    2.2- Send "Global Images: A PDF file will be created containing images that have a "Global Scope". This option also creates a PPML job, using this PDF, with instructions for storing these images into the specified Environment.

    2.3- Send "Local Images": A PDF file will be created containing images that have a "Local Scope". This option also creates a PPML job, using this PDF, with instructions to use these Local images and the Global Images that are stored in the specified Environment. For that reason, images that have a "Global Scope" should be present in the specified Environment. Images with a "Global Scope" will only be referenced in the PPML job.