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The latest version of PrintShop Mail is currently 7.1. This documentation was updated on 2011-03-29 and covers the changes made in this version. If you are still using an older version of PrintShop Mail, you can access its documentation by using the Version: menu at the top-right corner of this screen.

If you wish to upgrade to PrintShop Mail7.1, you can do so via the Upgrade Request page. Note that in order to upgrade, you will need a valid OL Care contract as of 2010-09.

DirectSmile Object

Despite the fact that the integration of DirectSmile with PrintShop Mail benefits from state-of-the-art optimization and speed improvements techniques, the generation of personalized images can still consume considerable amount of computer resources. Therefore, DirectSmile must run on a separate computer than the one where PrintShop Mail is installed in order to spread computer resources. System responsiveness may be affected dependent upon system specifications and number and complexity of images used.

The DirectSmile plug-in should be installed and available by default. If not, please re-install PrintShop Mail and check the DirectSmile plugin option.

If the connection between PrintShop Mail and DirectSmile is lost, images can no longer be requested nor received. It is therefore very important to verify the connection settings and make sure the PrintShop Mail document has access to the DirectSmile server. The same holds true when using DirectSmile in a multiple users environment as well as when printing PrintShop Mail documents with PrintShop Mail Web.

To insert a DirectSmile object on the page:

The properties of a DirectSmile object are available in DirectSmile Properties.