Data Model pane

The Data Model Pane displays a Data Model used to help design the template, along with data. When you load data (see Loading data), the resulting record set is loaded in the Data Model pane. The information shown is the information for the current record within the record set.


To find a certain table, group or field in a large Data Model, start typing characters in the Filter box. This immediately narrows down the list of displayed items to all tables, groups and fields whose name contains the characters that were typed. Note that the filtering is case-insensitive.

Data Model toolbar buttons

Browsing data

When a Data Model is loaded in the Data Model Pane, it can be used to design templates by dragging fields directly into the template; see Variable Data. If data is present (from a data file), it is possible to preview the resulting data in the template on the Preview tab (see Workspace).

You can use the following keys to browse records in the Data Model pane:

  • Page Up: next record
  • Page Down: previous record
  • Home: first record
  • End: last record.

The way the Data Model is displayed can be changed via the following options in the contextual menu. Right-click the Data Model to open the contextual menu.

  • Collapse All: Collapse all fields .
  • Expand All: Expand all fields.

The record can also be expanded and collapsed using the arrow icon next to it.