Data Source (Settings)

A data source is simply the source of the data. It can be a file (CSV, PDF, TXT, XML) or a particular database. The data might be located on the same computer as the program, or on another computer somewhere on a network.

Input Data (Delimiters)

Delimiter are borders that naturally separate blocks of data in the Data Sample and are different for each data type. For example, a text file can be delimited by the number of lines and PDF files are delimited naturally by pages.

Please refer to The Settings Pane Interface for more information about each field and buttons.


Boundaries are the division between source records. They can be set using different types of rules such as text, pages or even custom JavaScript rules.

Boundaries differ from Delimiters. When defining boundaries , multiple delimiters can be included between boundaries - many pages per invoice, many CSV rows per transaction, etc.

To set a boundary, a specific trigger must be found. The trigger is something that is either static ("Page 1 of" on text or PDF files) or something that changes on each source record (a customer ID at a specific location, a username, etc).

Please refer to The Settings Pane Interface for more information about each field and buttons.

Data Samples

The Data Samples are the data sources that have been imported into the data mapping configuration.

Please refer to The Settings Pane Interface for more information about each field and buttons.

External JS Libraries

You can use the External JS libraries to add more JavaScript functionality to your data mapping configuration. Any functions included in the JS library will be available in Preprocessor scripts, as well as Action tasks, Post Functions and JavaScript -based extraction steps.

For example let's take the following JavaScript file, for example:

function myAddFunction(p1, p2) {
    return p1 + p2;

If this is saved as myFunction.js and imported, then the following would work anywhere in the configuration:

var result = myAddFunction(25, 12); // returns 37!

The External JS Libraries box displays all the libraries that have been imported into the data mapping configuration.

Please refer to The Settings Pane Interface for more information about each field and buttons.

  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:48 AM