Currency Data Types

A signed, numeric, fixed-point 64-bit number with 4 decimals. Values range from -922 337 203 685 477.5808 to 922 337 203 685 477.5808. This data type is routinely used for financial calculations: it is as precise as integers.

Defining Currency Values

  • Pre-Processor: In the step properties selection under Properties specify the "Type" as "Currency" and set a default value as a number with up to 4 decimal points, such as 546513.8798
  • Extraction: In the step properties under Field Definition specify "Type" as "Currency" and configure how the value will be read from the Source Record (see Extract Step). The field value will be extracted and treated as a float.
  • JavaScript Expression: Set the desired value to any float value.
    Example: record.fields["PreciseTaxSubtotal"] = 27.13465;

While currency values can be set to up to 4 significant digits, only 2 are displayed on screen.

Building Currency Values

Currency values can be the result of direct attribution or mathematical operations just like Integer and Float values.

  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:48 AM