Preprocessor Step Properties

The Preprocessor step does not run for every Source Record in the Data Sample. It runs once, at the beginning of the Steps, before anything else.

Fixed Automation Properties

The Fixed automation properties subsection lists all the fixed properties available from the PlanetPress Workflow automation module. These properties are equivalent to data available within the PlanetPress Workflow process. For each property, the following is available:

  • Name: A read-only field displaying the name of the property.
  • Scope: A read-only field indicating that the scope of the property is Automation.
  • Type: A read-only field indicating the data type for each property.
  • Default Value: Enter a default value for the property. This value is overwritten by the actual value coming from PlanetPress Workflow when the data mapping configuration is run using the Execute Data Mapping task.

There are currently the following automation properties available:

  • JobInfoX: These properties are the equivalent of the JobInfo values available in the PlanetPress Workflow process. They can be set using the Set Job Info and Variables task. To access these properties inside of any JavaScript code within the Data Mapping Configuration, use the automation.jobInfos.JobInfoX (where X is the job info number, from 0 to 9).
  • OriginalFilename: This property contains the original file name that was captured by the PlanetPress Workflow process and is equivalent to the %o variable in the process. To access these property inside of any JavaScript code within the Data Mapping Configuration, use
  • ProcessName: This property contains the name of the process that is currently executing the data mapping configuration and is equivalent to the %w variable in the process. To access this property inside of any JavaScript code within the Data Mapping Configuration, use
  • TaskIndex: This property contains the index (position) of the task inside the process that is currently executing the data mapping configuration but it has no equivalent in PlanetPress Workflow. To access this property inside of any JavaScript code within the Data Mapping Configuration, use


The Properties subsection is used to create specific properties that are used throughout the workflow. Properties can be accessed through some of the interface elements such as the Condition and Repeat step properties, or through the DataMapper API.

Properties are evaluated in the order they are placed in the list, so properties can use the values of previously defined properties in their expression.

  • Name: The name of the property used to refer to its value.
  • Scope: What this property applies to:
    • Entire Data: These properties are static properties that cannot be changed once they have been set, in other words they are Global constants.
    • Each Record: These properties are evaluated and set at the beginning of each Source Record. These properties can be modified once they have been set, but are always reset at the beginning of each Source Record.
    • Automation variable: These properties initialize variables coming from the PlanetPress Workflow automation tool. The name of the property needs to be the same as the variable name in Workflow, and they can be either a Local variable or a Global variable. For either one, only the actual name is to be used, so for %{MyLocalVar} use only MyLocalVar , and for %{global.MyGlobalVar} use MyGlobalVar. If a global and a local variable have the same name ( %{myvar} and %{global.myvar} ), the local variable's value is used and the global one is ignored. To access a workflow variable inside of any JavaScript code within the Data Mapping Configuration,  use automation.variables.variablename
  • Type: The data type of the property. For more information see Data Types.
  • Default Value: The initial value of the property. This is a JavaScript expression. See DataMapper API.

Entire Data Properties are evaluated before anything else, such as Preprocessors, Delimiters and Boundaries in the Settings Pane. This means these properties cannot read information from the Data Sample or from any records. They are mostly useful for static information such as folder locations or server addresses.


The Preprocessor subsection defines what preprocessors run on the Data Sample before it is sent to the extraction. Preprocessors modify the Data Sample in many ways, and each Preprocessor runs in turn, using the result of the previous one as an input.

  • Name: The name to identify the Preprocessor.
  • Type: The type of Preprocessor. Currently there is only one type available.

Preprocessor definition

  • Expression: The JavaScript expression that will run on the Data Sample. See DataMapper API.


This subsection is collapsed by default in the interface, to allow more screen space be given to other important parts.

Name: The name of the step. This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps pane.

Comments: The text entered here gives more details on the step and will be displayed in the tooltip appearing when hovering over the step in the Steps pane.

  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:48 AM