Print Using Standard Print Output Settings
When using the File > Print... option, the Print Configuration dialog
appears. This dialog allows you to print the template using Default printer settings, or the Last Used printer settings or by using previously created Printing Presets. To learn how to create Printing Presets please
see Job Creation Presets
and Output Creation Presets.
- Configuration Selection Group:
- Records Group:
- All: Outputs
all records in the active dataset.
- Selection: Allows selection of a range of records or a custom selection.
You can specific individual records
separated by semi-colons (;) or ranges using dashes. For example:
2;4;6-10 would print pages 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
- Apply filtering and sorting to record selection checkbox: Check o filter and/or sort records. Selecting this will open both the Data Filtering Options and Sorting Options pages.
- Copies Group :
- Copies: Enter the number
of output copies you want.
- Collate: When printing
multiple copies you can check this checkbox to have the record copies printed together.
For example in a three record job the records would print out as 1-1-2-2-3-3, rather than 1-2-3-1-2-3.
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