Repeat step properties
The Repeat step adds a loop to the extraction workflow; see Steps and Extracting transactional data.
The properties described below become visible in the Step properties pane when the Repeat step is selected in the Steps pane.
This subsection is collapsed by default in the interface, to give more screen space to other important parts.
Name: The name of the step.
This name will be displayed on top of the step's icon in the Steps
Comments: The text entered
here will be displayed in the tooltip
that appears when hovering over the step in the Steps
Repeat Definition
- Repeat type:
- While statement is true:
The loop executes while the statement below is true. The statement
is evaluated after the loop so the loop will always run at least
- Until statement is true:
The loop executes until the statement below is true. The statement
is evaluated before the loop so the loop may not run at all.
- Until no more elements (for Text, CSV, Database and PDF files only):
The loop executes as long as there are elements left as selected
- For Each (for XML files only): The loop
executes for all nodes on a specified level.
When using
an XML For Each loop, it is not necessary to skip to the repeating node or to have a Gotostep to jump to each sibling, as this loop takes care of
it automatically.
- Maximum iterations on each line:
Defines the maximum number of iterations occurring at the same position.
This expression is evaluated once when entering the loop. The value
returned by the expression must be an integer higher than 0.
- Use JavaScript Editor:
Click to display the Edit
Script dialog.
Rule Tree
The Rule tree subsection displays the full combination rules (defined below under Condition) as a tree,
which gives an overview of how the conditions work together as well as
the result for each of these conditions for the current record or iteration.
First, the Condition List displays
the conditions in list form, instead of the tree form above. Three buttons
are available next to the list:
- Add condition: Click
to create a new condition in the list. This will always branch the
current condition as an "AND" operator.
- Delete condition: Delete
the currently selected condition.
- To rename a Condition, double click on its name from the Rule tree subsection .
Conditions are made by comparison of two operands using a specific
Both the Left and Right operands have the same properties.
Text and PDF Files
- Based On:
- Position: The data
in the specified position for the comparison.
- Left: The start
position for the data selection. Note that conditions are
done on the current line, either the current cursor position,
or the current line in a Repeat step.
- Right: The end
position for the data selection.
- Top offset: The
vertical offset from the current pointer location in the ().
- Height: The height
of the selection box.
- Use Selection:
Click to use the value of the current data selection for the
- Trim: Select to
trim empty characters at the beginning or the end of the field.
- Value: A specified
static text value.
- Value: The text
value to use in the comparison.
- Use selected text:
Uses the text in the current data selection as the Value.
If multiple lines or elements are selected, only the first
one is used.
- Field: The contents
of a specific field in the Extracted Record.
- Field: The Extracted
Record field to use in the comparison.
- JavaScript : The result
of a JavaScript Expression.
- Expression: The
JavaScript line that is evaluated. Note that the last value
attribution to a variable is the one used as a result of the
- Use JavaScript Editor:
Click to display the Edit
Script dialog.
- Use selected text:
Inserts the text in the current data selection in the JavaScript
Expression. If multiple lines or elements are selected, only
the first one is used.
- Data Property: The
value of a data-level property set in the Preprocessor step (see Preprocessor step).
- Record Property: One of the local variables that you can create and that are reset for each document as opposed to data variables that are global because they are initialized only once at the beginning of each job.
- Automation Property:
The current value of a Document-level property set in the Preprocessor step (see Preprocessor step).
- Extractor Property:
The value of an internal extractor variable:
- Counter: The value
of the current counter iteration in a Repeat
- Vertical Position:
The current vertical position on the page, either in Measure
(PDF) or Line (Text and CSV).
- Operators:
- is equal to: The two
specified value are identical for the condition to be True.
- contains: The first
specified value contains the second one for the condition to be
- is less than: The
first specified value is smaller, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
- is greater than: The
first specified value is larger, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
- is empty: The first
specified value is empty. With this operator, there is no second
- Invert condition: Inverts
the result of the condition. For instance, is empty becomes is not empty.
CSV and Database Files
- Based On:
- Position: The data
in the specified position for the comparison.
- Column: Drop-down listing all fields in the Data Sample, of which the value will be used.
- Top offset: The
vertical offset from the current pointer location in the Data Sample (Viewer).
- Use Selection:
Click to use the value of the current data selection for the
- Trim: Select to
trim empty characters at the beginning or the end of the field.
- Value: A specified
static text value.
- Value: The text
value to use in the comparison.
- Use selected text:
Uses the text in the current data selection as the Value.
If multiple lines or elements are selected, only the first
one is used.
- Field: The contents
of a specific field in the Extracted Record.
- Field: The Extracted
Record field to use in the comparison.
- JavaScript : The result
of a JavaScript Expression.
- Expression: The
JavaScript line that is evaluated. Note that the last value
attribution to a variable is the one used as a result of the
- Use JavaScript Editor:
Click to display the Edit
Script dialog.
- Use selected text:
Inserts the text in the current data selection in the JavaScript
Expression. If multiple lines or elements are selected, only
the first one is used.
- Data Property: The
value of a data-level property set in the Preprocessor
- Record Property: One of the local variables that you can create and that are reset for each document as opposed to data variables that are global because they are initialized only once at the beginning of each job.
- Automation Property:
The current value of a Document-level property set in the Preprocessor
- Extractor Property:
The value of an internal extractor variable:
- Counter: The value
of the current counter iteration in a Repeat
- Vertical Position:
The current vertical position on the page, either in Measure
(PDF) or Line (Text and CSV).
Operators:- is equal to: The two
specified value are identical for the condition to be True.
- contains: The first
specified value contains the second one for the condition to be
- is less than: The
first specified value is smaller, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
- is greater than: The
first specified value is larger, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
- is empty: The first
specified value is empty. With this operator, there is no second
- Invert condition: Inverts
the result of the condition. For instance, is empty becomes is not empty.
XML Files
- Based On:
- Position: The data
in the specified position for the comparison.
- XPath: The path to the XML field that is extracted.
- Use Selection:
Click to use the value of the current data selection for the
- Trim: Select to
trim empty characters at the beginning or the end of the field.
- Value: A specified
static text value.
- Value: The text
value to use in the comparison.
- Use selected text:
Uses the text in the current data selection as the Value.
If multiple lines or elements are selected, only the first
one is used.
- Field: The contents
of a specific field in the Extracted Record.
- Field: The Extracted
Record field to use in the comparison.
- JavaScript : The result
of a JavaScript Expression.
- Expression: The
JavaScript line that is evaluated. Note that the last value
attribution to a variable is the one used as a result of the
- Use JavaScript Editor:
Click to display the Edit
Script dialog.
- Use selected text:
Inserts the text in the current data selection in the JavaScript
Expression. If multiple lines or elements are selected, only
the first one is used.
- Data Property: The
value of a data-level property set in the Preprocessor
- Record Property: One of the local variables that you can create and that are reset for each document as opposed to data variables that are global because they are initialized only once at the beginning of each job.
- Automation Property:
The current value of a Document-level property set in the Preprocessor
- Extractor Property:
The value of an internal extractor variable:
- Counter: The value
of the current counter iteration in a Repeat
- Vertical Position:
The current vertical position on the page, either in Measure
(PDF) or Line (Text and CSV).
Operators:- is equal to: The two
specified value are identical for the condition to be True.
- contains: The first
specified value contains the second one for the condition to be
- is less than: The
first specified value is smaller, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
- is greater than: The
first specified value is larger, numerically, than the second
value for the condition to be True.
- is empty: The first
specified value is empty. With this operator, there is no second
- Invert condition: Inverts
the result of the condition. For instance, is empty becomes is not empty.