HTTP Server input tasks are used to receive HTTP requests made via GET or POST commands and to send replies to the servers from which the requests were made. The HTTP server supports both http and e. For HTTPS Support information, see HTTP Server Input User Options.
While you can insert the HTTP Server Input Task anywhere in your process as a secondary input task, in reality the HTTP Server Input Task will only function when used as the initial input, as it is triggered when PReS™ Workflow HTTP Server receives a request and passes it on to the correct task.
It is highly recommended to make all processes using the HTTP Server Input task Self-Replicating and to reduce their polling interval in the Process Properties.
The HTTP Server Input task does not, by itself, capture any files. Neither does it directly wait for requests to be received. Actually, it is the HTTP service that receives the requests and places them in a specific location on the drive. When a request is received, the HTTP Server Input polls that location and finds the requests and all attachments. It will always pick up the "oldest" request received.
The request can contain one or more files, one being an XML file containing the request information as well as any GET or POST variables that were received within this request. Other files are POST attachments.
By default, the request XML also contains a CDATA section which contains the raw input data, effectively doubling the size of the incoming file. Due to technical restrictions, the incoming XML file cannot be more than 400MB, which because of CDATA is reduced to around 200MB. To help in this situation, you may elect to omit CDATA from the attachment, which can be changed in HTTP Server Input User Options. Please note that this limitation also affects incoming binary files (sent through file upload in a form), regardless of CDATA settings.
Depending on the options chosen in the HTTP Server Input task properties, the task may choose to ignore some of the files. For example, using the "Do not include XML envelope" means that only the POST attachments will be used in the process, the XML file will be discarded. Attachments are always saved on disk in a specific location, which is accessible either directly in the XML or directly as a data file through the "Loop each attachment as data file" option.
First, the output inside the process itself is, depending on the selected options, an XML request files, POST Attachments files, either one or both.
If the "Send Immediate Response to client" option is selected, the response file is sent back right away and the involvement of the input task ends then. However, if this option is not checked, it means there is a second output that comes out of the HTTP Server Input task: The last output generated by PlanetPwress Watch is sent back to the initial input, which is returned back to the client.
Starting in version 7.2 of PlanetPress Suite, you can now serve static resources through PlanetPress, which is especially useful for images, CSS and Javascript files. See HTTP Server Input 2 User Options.
HTTP Server input task properties are as follows:
This task is put into effect in the following use cases and example processes:
On Error Tab
By default, any action task, branch, splitter or condition that generates an error will simply be ignored, and the task just under it (not within a branch) will be given control of the job file without any modification. Any initial input task that generates an error will stop the process from running as a whole, and output tasks will not generate output. The On Error tab can be used to overwrite the default behaviors.
If storing the message or ID, if they are store in a jobinfo they will be available in any error handling process where errors are being forwarded. In all cases, if your process continues after the error, the contents of the variables selected in this window will be available for the rest of your process, or whenever they are overwritten.
Common Errors
Though some error messages are specific to a task in particular, others may apply to any and all tasks because they are related more to the system than to PlanetPress itself. Some examples would be W3813, W3830, W3991, W4005. These correspond to issues such as not having any space to write files, permission errors on folders or files, etc.
Comments Tab
The Comments tab, added in PlanetPress Suite 7.5, is common to all tasks. It contains a single text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button, and are displayed in The Task Comments Pane.