
Capture Fields Processor

The Capture fields Processor Action Task is used to update the Capture Database using information received from an incoming PGC file, which generally originates from a communication by the Anoto penDirector.


This task requires a PGC file that has been obtained from an Anoto Digital Pen that was used to write on documents generated from the same PlanetPress Production installation.


The PlanetPress Capture Fields Processor action task receives and processes the information sent by the Anoto digital pen and updates all the documents in the PlanetPress Capture Database using the information from the pen. Any ink in the pen is added as an EPS (image) layer on the PDF inside the Capture Database. If a specific document needs to be closed to release its pattern, this task does so.

During processing, ink is always applied to the document first and then the logic is applied for releasing patterns. This means that even if a document is closed by a field set as Final that was checked first, ink present in other fields will still be applied to the document.

From version 7.5 and onwards, ICR is done on the ink, if the "Perform ICR Recognition" option is checked.

Error Handling

If the Capture Fields Processor generates a critical error during the processing of any document in the PGC file, all of its actions will be reverted. If your PGC file contains multiple documents, even those documents that were processed before will revert. It is strongly suggested to backup your PGC file before using this task and to create an error handling process to capture these errors.

Logical errors do not cause this task to exit. For example, if a List Item Capture Field is set to only accept a single option but contains ink in more than one option, or if a Capture Field that does not accept re-writing receives more ink, the task will still complete. The inks that are relevant to logical errors are still added to the PDF document, but they are added on a separate "error" layer.


This task outputs the PGC file it received along with metadata that contains the documents that have been updated by this task. The metadata can be used to do post-processing of the file using Capture Conditions, or directly through other metadata tools. The structure of the output metadata added by Capture is the following:


There is currently no method of obtaining the information from a PGC except through a successful processing of this task, or via the use of the PlanetPress Capture API within a Script (see Using Scripts)


Capture Fields Processor action task properties are as follows:

When the "ignore out of bounds ink data" option is checked, this option modifies the way that the On Error tab reacts. When a single split is processed and generates an error, only that split triggers the On Error tab. The other splits continue processing as usual. If another split generates an error, it also triggers the On Error tab.

Examples & Use Cases

This task is put into effect in the following use cases and example processes:

On Error Tab

By default, any action task, branch, splitter or condition that generates an error will simply be ignored, and the task just under it (not within a branch) will be given control of the job file without any modification. Any initial input task that generates an error will stop the process from running as a whole, and output tasks will not generate output. The On Error tab can be used to overwrite the default behaviors.

If storing the message or ID, if they are store in a jobinfo they will be available in any error handling process where errors are being forwarded. In all cases, if your process continues after the error, the contents of the variables selected in this window will be available for the rest of your process, or whenever they are overwritten.

Common Errors

Though some error messages are specific to a task in particular, others may apply to any and all tasks because they are related more to the system than to PlanetPress itself. Some examples would be W3813, W3830, W3991, W4005. These correspond to issues such as not having any space to write files, permission errors on folders or files, etc.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab, added in PlanetPress Suite 7.5, is common to all tasks. It contains a single text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button, and are displayed in The Task Comments Pane.