Capture Condition
The Capture Condition checks the status or field contents of a capture document that has been processed by the Capture Field Processor action task.
A data file in PGC or PDF format that is accompanied by valid Metadata. This metadata must contain Capture information and is generally available after a Capture Fields Processor or Find Capture Documents task. However, it is also possible to directly retrieve the required information from a specific Document ID. When a specific ID is used, the data file and metadata are completely ignored by this task's condition rules, and the database information is used instead.
The condition is evaluated using the specified rules, combination (condition is true when...) and scope (condition scope).
The original data file and metadata is output by this task. If the rules used in the condition return True, the data and metadata is sent down in the condition's branch. Otherwise, this same information is sent in the trunk.
Task Properties
General Tab
- Document Origin:
- Document to process: Determines where the document information is read
- From Metadata: Select to use the current document available in the metadata generated by the Capture Field Processor.
- From Specific ID: Select to specify an exact Document ID from the database. This document does not need to be loaded as a data file or its metadata manually obtained, as this task simply looks up the information directly in the PlanetPress Capture database.
- Condition based on Document Status: Select this to base the condition on the state of the document
- Document is open: Condition will be true if the document is open (not all Capture fields are filled).
- Document is closed: Condition will be true if the document is closed (all relevant Capture Fields are filled).
- Document is complete: Condition will be true if the document is still open, but all appropriate Capture Fields are filled.
- Document is partial: Condition will be true if the document is still open but only part of the appropriate Capture Fields are filled.
- Document is empty: Condition will be true if the document is open but no Capture Field is filled.
- Document is on error: Condition will be true if a logical error was triggered while processing the PGC. This can happen, for example, if a field was re-written when it should not, a List Field set to only accept one option contains ink in both options, etc.
- Condition based on Pattern Availability : Select to base the condition on the availability or non availability of patterns in a specific pattern sequence.
- For Pattern Sequence: The name or identification of the pattern sequence to check. Leave blank if no pattern sequence is used.
- Number of Patterns available are: The operator for the comparison. Numeric comparison with the number of available patterns in the specified pattern sequence.
- This number of Patterns: The number to use as a comparison to the available number of patterns in the pattern sequence.
- Capture Field-based condition: Select to base the condition on the state of one or more fields of your document.
- Field Name: The name of the field on which to base your condition. This is equivalent to the name of the Capture Field Object in PlanetPress Design.
In this field in particular, the right-click menu displays a unique option, 'Open Document Preview'. This option displays a list of existing documents. When clicking on a document, the PDF Viewer appears and displays all of the capture fields. Double-click on a Capture field to automatically add its name to the Field Name box.
- Condition: Defines what should trigger the condition:
- Ink is Present: Triggered by the presence or absence of ink in the field.
- None: No ink should be present in any field with this name.
- Any: Ink should be present in at least one field of this name in your document.
- All: Ink should be present in all fields of this name in your document.
- Index: The specified index of the capture field of this name should contain ink. The Index property is generated when a Capture Field object is repeated or is part of a runpage. This index is 1-based.
- Pidget setting: Triggered by specific pidget settings.
- Every pidget setting (such as stroke color and stroke thickness) is listed here. If the specific pidget was triggered before ink was applied to the Capture Field, the conditions becomes true.
- Start timestamp: Triggered when the first ink is applied in the field.
- Before: If the first stroke found in the Capture Field was made earlier than the specified date and time, the condition becomes true.
- After: If the first stroke found in the Capture Field was made later than the specified date and time, the condition becomes true.
- In the last: If the first stroke found in the Capture Field was made within the specified number of Hour(s), Day(s) or Week(s) counting backwards from the moment the PGC is received, the condition becomes true.
- End timestamp: Triggered when the last stroke finishes in the field. (see Start Timestamp for detailed options)
- Pen Id: Triggered by the ID (serial number) of the pen. A box provides a way to specify which Pen ID will trigger this condition to be true.
- Field List Value: Triggered only on Field List Capture Fields. A box provides a way to specify which value will trigger this condition to be true.
- Content Status: Triggered when the field is in a specific status. A Drop-down provides a way to select which status will trigger this condition to be true.
- Complete: The field contains ink and no error was detected.
- Empty: No ink was found in the field.
- Error: A logical error was detected in the field. This can happen, for example, if a field was re-written when it should not, a List Field set to only accept one option contains ink in both options, etc.
- ICR Value: Triggered when the value given by the ICR engine compares with the specified value. Operators are available for the comparison (such as Equal, Not Equal, Lower or Higher Than, Contains and etc). It is also possible to select which Index of the field to use (see "Ink is Present" above).
- ICR Confidence: Triggered when the confidence percentage the ICR engine gave to the ICR value compares with the value determined in the "Confidence" box, using the chosen comparison operator.
- ICR Resemblance: Triggered then the resemblance percentage the ICR engine gave to the ICR value in relation to its recognition database compares with the value determined in the "Resemblance" box, using the chosen comparison operator. For more information on ICR, see PlanetPress Capture ICR.
- button: Add a new field and action line.
- button: Remove the currently selected line.
- The condition is true when: Specifies how to react when more than one Capture Field based condition is present
- All items are met: The task will return true if ALL the combined conditions are true.
- At least one item is met: The task will return true if ANY of the combined conditions is true.
- Condition Scope: Determines whether the conditions need to be true for all the pages of the document, or any one of them.
- In the document (occurence): The task will return true if the condition set it true for any page of the document.
- On each pages: The task will return true only if the condition set is true for all of the pages of the document.
- Invert condition: Inverts the result of the task.
Examples & Use Cases
This task is put into effect in the following use cases and example processes:
On Error Tab
By default, any action task, branch, splitter or condition that generates an error will simply be ignored, and the task just under it (not within a branch) will be given control of the job file without any modification. Any initial input task that generates an error will stop the process from running as a whole, and output tasks will not generate output. The On Error tab can be used to overwrite the default behaviors.
- Send to Process: Check this option to send the job file to an error management process.
- Error Process drop-down: Enabled only when the Send to Process option is checked. Lists any process of which the initial input task is the Input Error Bin task.
- Action Group: This group is disabled in the initial input tasks and defaults to Stop Process. In all other tasks where the On Error tab is present, the following options are available:
- Ignore: The task is ignored as if it did not exist, and the job file is passed on to the next task in the process.
- Stop Branch: If the task is in a branch of the process, the branch is stopped and the job file is returned to the process after the branch. The branch will not produce any output.
- Stop Process: The process is stopped and no more processing is done. No further output is produced.
- Log Message: Check this option to enable logging a custom error message in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools' log file.
- Message: Enabled only when the Log Message option is checked. Enter a message that will be logged in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools' log file. You can use any variables available in PlanetPress Workflow to customize the message.
- Store the message in variable: Select in which jobinfo, local or global variable you want to store the message content.
- ID: Enter an error ID. This ID will be visible in the Windows Event Viewer. However, the ID is not visible in the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools' log file.
- Store the ID in variable: Select in which jobinfo, local or global variable you want to store the error ID.
- Reset to defaults: Resets all options in this tab to their default values.
If storing the message or ID, if they are store in a jobinfo they will be available in any error handling process where errors are being forwarded. In all cases, if your process continues after the error, the contents of the variables selected in this window will be available for the rest of your process, or whenever they are overwritten.
Common Errors
Though some error messages are specific to a task in particular, others may apply to any and all tasks because they are related more to the system than to PlanetPress itself. Some examples would be W3813, W3830, W3991, W4005. These correspond to issues such as not having any space to write files, permission errors on folders or files, etc.
Comments Tab
The Comments tab, added in PlanetPress Suite 7.5, is common to all tasks. It contains a single text area (Task comments) that lets you write comments about the task. These comments are saved when the dialog is closed with the OK button, and are displayed in The Task Comments Pane.