
The following menu items are shown in the Designer menu:

File Menu

  • New...: Opens the New (Select a Wizard) dialog. You can choose from the Email, Print or Web Template Wizards. See Templates.
  • Open: Opens a standard File Open dialog. This dialog can be used to open Templates and Data Mapping Configurations. See Templates and Data Mapping Configuration.
  • Open Recent: List the most recently opened Templates and configurations. Clicking on a template will open it in the Designer module, clicking on a Data Mapping Configuration will open it in the DataMapper module.
  • Close: Close the currently active Data mapping configuration or Template. If the file needs to be saved, the appropriate Save dialog will open.
  • Close All: Close any open Data Mapping Configuration or template. If any of the files needs to be saved, the Save Resources dialog opens.
  • Close Others: Close all Data mapping configuration and templates except the one that is currently active in the workspace.
  • Save: Saves the current Data mapping configuration or Template to its current location on disk. If the file has never been saved, the Save As dialog appears instead.
  • Save All: Saves all open files. If any of the open files have never been saved, the Save As dialog opens for each new unsaved file.
  • Save As...: Saves the current file to a new location on disk.
  • Revert: Appears only in the Designer module. Reverts all changes to the state in which the file was opened or created.
  • Add Data: Adds data either to the current data mapping configuration or to the open template. See Loading data .
    • From File Data Source...: Opens the dialog to add a new data file to the currently loaded data mapping configuration. Not available if the currently loaded data mapping configuration connects to a database source.
    • From Database Data Source...: Opens the Edit Database Configuration dialog. Not available if the currently loaded data mapping configuration is file-based.
    • Generate Counters: Opens the Generate Counter Wizard to create a custom counter as a data source.
  • Send to Workflow...: Opens the Send to Workflow/Files dialog to send files to a local Workflow software installation.
  • Print: Opens the Print Options dialog.
  • Print Presets: Selecting this option allows you to create or modify Printing Presets, which can be saved and used in print runs thereafter.
  • Proof Print: Opens the Print Options dialog as a Proof Print dialog which limits the number of records output. The options themselves are identical to the regular Print Output dialog.
  • Send Email: Opens the Send Email dialog; see Generating Email output.
  • Send Test Email: Click to open the Send Test Email dialog.
  • Send COTG Test: Click to open the Send COTG Test dialog, to send the current Web Context to the Capture OnTheGo Application.
  • Exit: Closes the software. If any of the files needs to be saved, the Save Resources dialog opens.

Edit Menu

  • Undo <action>: Undoes the previous action that was done.
  • Redo <action>: Redoes an action that was previously undone.
  • Cut: Cuts the currently selected text, object or element and puts it on the clipboard.
  • Copy: Copies the the currently selected text, object or element to the clipboard.
  • Copy to snippet: Creates a new snippet from the selected text, object or element.
  • Paste: Takes the current clipboard content and pastes it at the pointer location.
  • Delete Browser Element: Removes the currently selected element in the workspace.
  • Find/Replace: Only active while inside the Workspace. Opens the Find/Replace dialog.
  • Stylesheets...: Open the Style sheets dialog. See Styling and formatting and Styling templates with CSS files.
  • Colors...: Opens the Colors Editor dialog. See Colors.
  • Fonts...: opens the Fonts Manager. See Fonts.
  • Locale...: Opens the Locale Settings dialog. See Locale.
  • Color Settings...: Opens the Color Settings dialog. See Colors.

Insert Menu

  • Image: Inserts an image using a resource that is local to the template, a resource on disk or a URL. See Images.
  • Text:
    • Wrap in span: Wraps selected text in a <span> element. The ID or class of the span can be used as a selector for scripts and styles.
  • Special Characters: Displays a categorized list of special HTML characters that can be inserted at the current pointer location. When a character is clicked, its HTML Entity is inserted. This includes:
    • Symbols: Use the list to insert a special symbol such as Copyright, Trademark, or Ellipsis.
    • Markers: Use the list to insert pagination markers that are replaced with specific page numbering:
      • Page Number: This marker is replaced by the current page number in the document. Even if the page number is not used on certain pages, those page are still added to the page count.
      • Page Count: This marker is replaced by the total number of pages in the document, including pages with no contents.
      • Content Page Number: This marker is replaced by the current page number (with contents) in the document.
      • Content Page Count: This marker is replaced by the total number of pages that have contents in them, in the document. A page with contents is a page that is part of a section that has variable data on it. A page with a Master Page but no contents (set in the Sheet Configuration tab of the Print Section Properties) is not included in the Content Page Count.
      • Sheet Number: This marker is replaced by the current sheet number (physical piece of paper with two sides, or pages) in the document. This is equivalent to half the page number, for example if there are 10 pages, there will be 5 sheets.
      • Sheet Count: This marker is replaced by the total number of sheets in the document, whether or not they have contents.
    • Dashes and Spaces: Use the list to insert special dashes, such as an em-dash, and spaces, such as non-breaking spaces or an en-space. (The HTML code inserted for the dash or space is visible on the Source tab of the workspace.)
    • Arrows: Use the list to insert directional arrows (in one of four directions).
    • Geometric Shapes: Use the list to insert a special geometric shape, such as circles, triangles and squares.
  • Date: Click to open the Date dialog to add a date to the template based on the current system's date and time.
  • Wrap in box: Puts the element in which the cursor is located in an inline box (a <div>).
  • Table
    • Thead, tbody, tfoot: Insert a header, body or footer (if not already present) in the current table.
    • Standard: Inserts a table with a specific number of columns and rows through the Standard Table Wizard; see Table.
    • Dynamic: Inserts a dynamic table where the number of rows is determined by a Details table, through the Dynamic Table Wizard; see Dynamic table.
  • Table Elements:
    • Insert Row Above: Inserts a row above the current one. The row configuration, such as merged cells and cell styles, is duplicated, but contents is not.
    • Insert Row Below: Inserts a row below the current one. The row configuration, such as merged cells and cell styles, is duplicated, but contents is not.
    • Insert Column Before: Inserts a column to the left of the current one. The column configuration, such as merged cells and cell styles, is duplicated, but contents is not.
    • Insert Column After: Inserts a column to the right of the current one. The column configuration, such as merged cells and cell styles, is duplicated, but contents is not.
  • Common Elements:
    • Paragraph...: Click to open a dialog to add a <p> element; see Text and special characters.
    • H1 through H6...: Click to open a dialog to add a <h1> to <h6> element; see Text and special characters.
    • Address...: Click to open a dialog to add an <address> element.
    • Preformatted...: Click to open a dialog to add a <pre> element.
  • Structural Elements:
    • Div...: Click to open a dialog to add a <div> element; see Boxes
    • Span...: Click to open a dialog to add a <span> element; see Boxes
    • Article...: Click to open a dialog to add an <article> element
    • Section...: Click to open a dialog to add a <section> element (the HTML element, not a section in a context).
    • Header...: Click to open a dialog to add a <header> element.
    • Footer...: Click to open a dialog to add a <footer> element.
    • Nav...: Click to open a dialog to add a <nav> element.
    • Aside...: Click to open a dialog to add an <aside> element.
      Article, Section, Header, Footer, Nav and Aside are HTML5 semantic elements; see
  • Form Elements (see Form Elements)
    • Form...: Click to open a dialog to add a Form Element; see Forms.
    • Fieldset...: Click to open a dialog to add a Fieldset Element; see Fieldset.
    • Text Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Text Field; see Text.
    • Email Field...: Click to open a dialog to add an Email Field; see Email.
    • URL Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a URL Field; see URL.
    • Password Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Password Field; see Password.
    • Text Area...: Click to open a dialog to add a Text Area; see Text area.
    • Date Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Date Field; see Date.
    • Number Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Number Field; see Number.
    • Hidden Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Hidden Field; see Hidden field.
    • Label...: Click to open a dialog to add a Label; see Label.
    • Checkbox Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Checkbox; see Checkbox.
    • Radio Button...: Click to open a dialog to add a Radio Button; see Radio Button.
    • Select Field...: Click to open a dialog to add a Select (drop-down); see Select.
    • Button...: Click to open a dialog to add a Button; see Button.
    • Help text: Click to open a dialog to insert a paragraph (<p>) for help text.
  • COTG Form Elements (see )
    • Signature...: Click to open a dialog to add a Signature Element, see .
    • Date...: Click to open a dialog to add a Date Element, see .
    • Date Formatted...: Click to open a dialog to add a Formatted Date Element, see .
    • Time...: Click to open a dialog to add a Time Element, see .
    • Time Formatted...: Click to open a dialog to add a Formatted Time Element, see .
    • Geolocation...: Click to open a dialog to add a Geolocation Element, see .
    • Locale...: Click to open a dialog to add a Locale Element, see .
    • Camera...: Click to open a dialog to add a Camera Element, see .
    • Image and annotation: Click to open a dialog to add an image that can be annotated by the user; see .
    • Barcode Scanner...: Click to open a dialog to add a Barcode Scanner Element, see .
    • User Account...: Click to open a dialog to add a User Account Element, see .
    • Device Info...: Click to open a dialog to add a Device Info Element, see .
  • Form Wizard: Click to open the Form Wizard to add a form to a Web context; see Forms
  • Validation Wizard: Click to open the Validation Settings dialog to change the validation settings on the currently selecting tools; see Changing a Form's validation method
  • Business Graphic: Displays a list of available business graphic object to be inserted:
    • Insert Pie Chart: Click to insert a new Pie Chart and open the Pie Chart script dialog.
    • Insert Bar Chart: Click to insert a new Bar Chart and open the Bar Chart script dialog.
    • Insert Line Chart: Click to insert a new Line Chart and open the Line Chart script dialog.
  • Barcode: Displays a list of available barcodes. Click on one to insert it in the page. See Barcode.

Format Menu

  • Size: When text is selected, choose a predefined or custom font size in this submenu to change the size of the selected text.
    • Other...: Opens the Text Formatting dialog for advanced style selection; see Styling text and paragraphs.
    • 7pt - 72pt: Sets the size of the selected text to the chosen font size.
  • Style: When text is selected, sets the text style by applying or removing the following attributes: Plain, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Capitalize, Uppercase, Lowercase, Small-caps. This is the same as opening the Text Formatting dialog (Format > Text) and checking the appropriate style. See Styling text and paragraphs.
  • Color: When text is selected, sets the text color by applying the color attribute to the text. The color submenu lists all the colors in the Colors Editor.
  • Text...: Opens the Text Formatting dialog to modify the current text selection. See Styling text and paragraphs.
  • Align: When an element is selected, determines how its contents is aligned inside the element. Options are Align Left, Align Right, Align Center and Justify.
  • Paragraph...: Opens the Paragraph Formatting dialog to modify the paragraph where the cursor is located. See Styling text and paragraphs.
  • Paragraph Format: Displays a list of generic element types that can be used for a text element. Selecting one of them converts the element where the cursor is located into the appropriate element (for example <p> for Paragraph, <h3> for Heading 3, etc).
  • Float
    • Left: Floats the current element to the left. This is equivalent to setting the CSS float property to left.
    • Right: Floats the current element to the right. This is equivalent to setting the CSS float property to right.
    • None: Removes any float style applied to the currently selected element.
  • Box...: Opens the Box Formatting dialog to modify the box where the cursor is located.
  • Image...: Opens the Image Formatting dialog to modify the image that is currently selected.
  • Table...: Opens the Table Formatting dialog to modify the table in which the cursor is located. If the cursor is within a table embedded within another, the innermost table's formatting is the one modified.
  • Table Cell...: Opens Table Cell Formatting dialog to modify the cell where the cursor is located.
  • Hyperlink
    • Insert...: Creates a hyperlink on the currently selected text or element and opens its properties; see Hyperlink and mailto link.
    • Edit...: Opens the properties for the currently selected hyperlink; see Hyperlink and mailto link.
    • Remove: Removes the currently selected hyperlink. The text or element that was the hyperlink is not removed.

Context Menu

  • Add:
    • Print Context: Click to add a new Print context to the template if one does not exist.
    • HTML Email Context: Click to add a new Email context to the template if one does not exist.
    • Web Page Context: Click to add a new Web context to the template if one does not exist.
  • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected context. The last remaining context cannot be deleted.
  • Go to: Click to open the first section in the selected context. This is the same as double-clicking on the first section of any context in the Resource Pane.
  • Properties: Click to open the currently selected context's properties; see Context Properties dialog.
  • Preview HTML: Click to preview the currently open section in the default system browser to preview it. This feature works in all contexts.
  • Profile Scripts: Click to open the Profile Scripts dialog to test script performance (see Testing scripts).
  • Preflight: Click to preflight the document and open the Preflight dialog. Preflight verifies the template for common errors (see Testing scripts).

Section Menu

  • Add: Click to create a new section to the currently selected context.
  • Delete: Click to delete the currently selected section.
  • Arrange: Click to open the Arrange Sections dialog.
  • Go to: Click to list the sections in the currently selected context and open one by clicking it.
  • Properties...: Click to open the appropriate section properties: Email , Print or Web. See Section properties dialogs.
  • Includes...: Click to open the Section Includes dialog.
  • Finishing... (Print Sections only): Click to open the Finishing tab in the Print Section Properties.
  • Sheet Configuration... (Print Sections Only): Click to open the Sheet Configuration dialog.
  • Master Pages: Click to list the available Master Pages in the template, and open one by clicking it (see Master Pages).
  • Master Page Properties...: Click to open the currently selected Master Page's properties dialog; see Master Pages.

View Menu

  • 50/75/100/150/200%: Click to zoom the Workspace at the selected level.
  • Source View: Click to show the HTML source for the template, including CSS and HTML code.
  • Design View: Click to show the template including all styles, text and images as well as the placeholders used for variable data.
  • Preview View: Click to show the template as it will output with the current record, with the personalized content (see Personalizing content).
  • Show Edges: Click to show or hide a colored border around elements on the page.
  • Rulers: Click to show or hide the rulers in the Workspace. Rulers only appear for Print contexts.
  • Margins and Guides: Click to show or hide the margin lines and guides in the Workspace.
  • Snap to Guides: Click to enable or disable snapping to guides and to margins when moving objects.
  • Virtual Stationery: Click to enable or disable the visibility of the PDF Background image set in the Media.
  • Highlight Master Page Items: Click to enable or disable a yellow border around Master Page items in a section.
  • Object Resizing: Click to enable or disable the ability to resize <div> elements on the page. See Editing preferences for more fine-tuned control.

Window Menu

Help Menu

  • Software Activation: Displays the Software Activation dialog. See Activating a License.
  • Help Topics: Click to open the help system in the default web browser.
  • Contact Support: Click to open the Objectif Lune Contact Page in the default system web browser.
  • About PlanetPress Connect Designer: Displays the software's About dialog.
  • Welcome Screen: Click to re-open the Welcome Screen.
  • Last Topic Update: 24/01/2017 09:32
  • Last Published: 7/6/2017 : 9:49 AM